October is European Cyber Security Month

With October being the 10th Annual European Cyber Security Month, we thought it would be a good idea to summarise some key principles and recent cyber security industry updates. We will also cover some events and activities over the month you can participate in as part of an international programme of cyber security related content…

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Password protection pitfalls and how to avoid them.

What’s in a name? We are frequently reminded and prompted every time we make a new password to ensure it is ‘strong’ and not easily guessable or hackable by bad actors and hackers. Despite these warnings many people still use repeated passwords or combinations of names of loved ones and birthdays or other significant dates…

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Cyber hygiene – prevention is better than cure

What is cyber hygiene Cyber hygiene is an ordered routine of specific tools, checks and practices which safeguard the handling of essential data, and secure networks and ‘attack surfaces’ (the areas in your network that are vulnerable to attack). Cyber hygiene practices are specific to the needs of the organisation and of specific individuals or…

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Why does your organisation need a cyber security policy?

In our last post we discussed the impact of our working from home (WFH) and hybrid remote working styles on organisational security. The context for this is a rapidly expanding cybersecurity sector and a critical level of cyber-attacks from hackers in response to new technologies and software that seek to prevent them. In turn there…

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